Authored on 05/27/2024 - 15:15
Kategorie aktualności

The solemn session of the Senate on the occasion of the anniversary of the establishment of Lodz University of Technology was held in the Professor Tadeusz Paryjczak Auditorium, brimming with guests and members of the university community.

Photo report from the event


Address by the Rector
Rector prof. Krzysztof Jóźwik reported on the principal factors that recently contributed to the Lodz University of Technology's standing. He referred to the strong international position of the university, its research-oriented but also business-oriented side, efforts for innovative education, creating space for important discussions, about the pursuit moving towards sustainable development goals and promoting women in science, highlighting their accomplishments, and last but not least, about the investments and initiatives to strengthen the academic community.

Professor Krzysztof Jóźwik, the rector, opened his speech with the following words:

‘It is now 79 years that we have shared in this common good that is Lodz University of Technology. It has been a beautiful time in the history of the university, one that affords us an excellent outlook for its further strong development. I am honored to continue to serve as rector for another four years. Again, I am sincerely grateful for the trust you have placed in me by entrusting me with this mission.

Explaining his confidence that the coming years will allow the university to consolidate its strong international position, the rector said:

‘Upon TUL's membership of the European Consortium of Innovative Universities, Lodz University of Technology's researchers became engaged in the research activities conducted by the consortium in 5 fields of science. We are also steadily expanding the circle of our international partners. Recently, we partnered with Western Balkans University and China's Jimei University.

Reflecting on the accomplishments of the passing term of office of which he is particularly proud, prof. Jóźwik, the rector, referred to the excellent results of the evaluation of research performance, 42 researchers from TUL indexed among the top 2% of the most highly cited researchers, and being among the universities awarded the largest number of grants in the prestigious Horizon Europe program, ‘We are pursuing 11 of these’, the rector highlighted. Mr. Rector also spoke about the university being distinguished with the Forbes Diamonds 2024, awarded to the most dynamically growing businesses in Poland.

Addressing innovative education, the rector underscored the relevance of tutoring, which is being fostered at TUL, as a way towards a shift in the philosophy of education from teaching to learning.  The Rector went on to say:

‘Both the current activities of the university, as well as its future-term planning are contextualized in reference to the goals of sustainable development. This awareness also informs our education. Lodz University of Technology will make use of more than PLN 8 million in funding from the European Social Fund for a project centered on fields of study related to renewable energy and transport.

A large portion of the rector's address concerned women researchers of TUL. Remembering prof. Alicja Dorabialska, a student of Maria Skłodowska-Curie and the first dean of the Faculty of Chemistry, he said: ‘The Professor is the perfect personality to serve as patron of TUL's 80th anniversary celebrations. Undoubtedly, prof. Dorabialska's story is a paragon of accomplishment, but these days, too, we find no dearth of inspiring achievements by women scholars.’ He named the achievements of a few of them, including dr hab. inż. arch. Aneta Kępczyńska-Walczak, prof. Anna Fabijańska, prof. Malgorzata Iwona Szynkowska-Jóźwik, dr. hab. inż. Agnieszka Wosiak, university professor, and prof. Agnieszka Zakrzewska-Bielawska. (for details, see ŻU features reporting on their accomplishments).

Rector prof. Krzysztof Jóźwik concluded his address by stating the following:

‘Dear all, we are approaching the 80th anniversary of the university, which offers an exciting opportunity to present the best of our potential. (...) May I mention that the anniversary will be celebrated as part of the Lodz Academic Partnership. It shall commence with a joint inauguration of the 2024/2025 academic year on October 2, at The Arthur Rubinstein Łódź Philharmonic. I am glad to see the integration of Łódź universities growing closer, because together we stand stronger, while preserving our beautiful diversity.

A holiday in the academic calendar of the university is a cause for celebration for all. I wish to take this opportunity to wish you prosperity and confidence in your ongoing endeavors. May you draw contentment from your work and from your teaching. Best wishes. Vivat Academia!

(full content of the Rector’s address available at
The several-minute-long film shown following the conclusion of the rector's speech documented in great detail some of the rich history of the Rector prof Krzysztof Jóźwik's first term in office.

Awards galore
Winners of 11 different competitions for undergraduates, graduates, postgraduates, doctoral candidates and holders of the degree of doktor were presented with awards, many funded by the university business partners. 21 individuals were honored altogether. Statues and diplomas were also given to the winners of five competitions of the Rector. In all, more than 30 individuals were distinguished.

'I am very proud to have been able to present so many awards,' said Rector prof. Krzysztof Jóźwik, 'this is the fruit of the activity of students, doctoral candidates, and faculty. I congratulate all of them sincerely’.

Professors of meritorious service to TUL
A highlight of the Senate's anniversary session was the conferral of the honorary title of professor emeritus on five distinguished scientists:  prof. Zbigniew Kozanecki, of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, and prof. Marek Dziubinski, prof. Andrzej Heim, prof. Władysław Kamiński, and prof. Roman Zarzycki of the Faculty of Process and Environmental Engineering.