Authored on 04/17/2023 - 09:14
Kategorie aktualności

Among the Polish universities conducting research in the field of Mechanical Engineering, Lodz University of Technology has been given the highest ranking by's, a global ranking of universities doing research in the field. The total number of universities from 50 countries classified in the ranking in this field was 550, with six of them from Poland.

Written by Ewa Chojnacka


Commenting on the result, TUL Rector professor Krzysztof Jóźwik said, 'This has been the second edition of the ranking in which the scores are based on the achievements and publication output, including the number of citations. ranking evaluated the best universities whose researchers conduct research work in Mechanical Engineering. I am pleased, especially since I am a mechanical engineer myself, that we have advanced from 4th place in Poland to the leading position.’

Professor Tomasz Kapitaniak, Lodz University of Technology's nominee for the prestigious Heisig Prize, is the highest ranked TUL scientist on the global list. He took 463rd place among 1942 scientists.

Lodz University of Technology was followed by Lublin University of Technology, Opole University of Technology, Bialystok University of Technology, AGH University of Science and Technology, and Gdansk University of Technology. Lodz University of Technology came in 237th place, whereas Poland, with six scientific affiliations, ranked 19th.