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C CUBE is a new spin-off of Lodz University of Technology. The name "C CUBE" is the mathematical form of the C3 acronym for the words Composites/Costructions/Controls, which are the company's main areas of interest. The motivation for starting the C3 company's business is the desire to fill the market niche that is NDT (non-destructive testing) of structures made of composite materials.

Written by Jacek Sawicki, Institute of Materials Science and Engineering


The C3 company is the realization of a joint idea of an entrepreneurial PhD student from TUL's Institute of Materials Engineering, Monika Spyrka, M.Sc. (CEO) and Maciej Patoka (Management Board member) a dynamic manager with experience in operations management, project management. The initial business need was defined by their shared passion for sailing and, above all, for the safety provided by inspecting and servicing equipment.

Company's Management Board at EXPO 2022, from left, Prof. Jacek Sawicki TUL, and Monika Spyrka and Maciej Patoka. Photo: Adam Rylski

The co-owners of the company, which operates as Simple Joint Stock Company, are researchers with backgrounds in materials engineering and mechanical engineering in the broadest sense: dr hab. inż. Jacek Sawicki, TUL Prof. (member of the Management Board), Prof. Leszek Klimek; dr inż. Paulina Byczkowska, dr inż. Piotr Zawadzki, Prof. Tomasz Kubiak and a special purpose vehicle of Lodz University of Technology, TULVENTURE.

The idea underpinning the establishment of the C3 company is the desire to fill the market niche that is non-destructive testing (NDT) of structures made of composite materials. Currently, there are no entities on the Polish market that offer comprehensive services, from conducting inspections to preparing reports and analyzing results, related to NDT for this group of materials. Moreover, there is also a lack of industry standards for the production and performance of testing of glass and carbon fiber reinforced composite materials. An excellent starting point for working on this type of documentation will be the research results of composites provided through non-destructive testing.

The possibility of cooperation with Lodz University of Technology on a spin-off basis gives C3's research services an innovative and highly specialized edge, which has a direct impact on the company's competitiveness already at the initial stage of its development. C CUBE P.S.A. participated in the National Innovation Fair of Polish Universities and Research Institutes - PACTT SCIENCE BUSINESS INNOVATION EXPO 2022 organized by the Technology Transfer Section of Lodz University of Technology. The event was an opportunity to present the C3 company and make contacts with industry and investment funds.

The company was established under the project Innovation Incubator 4.0 - "Competition for the best idea for a spin-off company" implemented by Lodz University of Technology and the Jan Długosz University of Humanities and Sciences in Częstochowa, co-financed under the non-competition project entitled "Support for the management of scientific research and commercialization of the results of R&D work in research units and enterprises"  - from the Operational Program Intelligent Development 2014-2020 (Measure 4.4).