The formal agreement , resulting from the previous contacts between the two partners, has laid foundation for the cooperation in the future. The document was signed by Dean Professor Agnieszka Zakrzewska- Bielawska and the President of TÜV NORD POLSKA Dagmara Żygowska.
- I am very pleased that our firm will support the Faculty of Organization and Management and in the future other faculties of TUL as well, and it will be with the practical knowledge of experts from the Polish department of TÜV NORD but also other colleagues working in our foreign departments- says the President Dagmara Żygowska. –I hope that our experience in that field will be useful in our mutual cooperation. With all economic and social changes around we must take into account the fact that quality does not only concern systems, products and processes but new strategic trends as sustainability, cyber security, etc. as well. On the other hand I expect that, aware of the quality importance, the young graduates of TUL will in the future work for our company but also become our clients as well.
Quality is an issue widely developed in research, therefore the cooperation will include scientific and developmental project concerning the implementation and improvement of quality according to international standards. These are the strategic activities from the point of view of business management, transport logistics, marketing and many other areas.
- The leading discipline for our department is ‘management and quality sciences’, so this quality is very important to us. We have great competences in this field- emphasizes Dean Professor Agnieszka Zakrzewska -Bielawska, Chairman of the discipline Council. -We plan to apply jointly with TÜV NORD for grants to advance knowledge and research, our cooperation will also include education. Representatives of the company will be involved in our teaching process, which in turn will benefit both the students and the company themselves to find the appropriate employees for their branches.
The meeting highlighted the department’s many interactions with the region community. According to Dr Eng. Marek Sekieta, coordinator for social and economic cooperation, - the right place for meetings of scientists and business practitioners are open seminars to present and discuss issues with our partners, and we are planning to organize such events. Dr Eng. Joanna Mnich from the Department of Quality and Technology Transfer, who coordinates the activities within the framework of the agreement, adds -Until now we have mainly focused on the certification of individuals, i.e. on the competences acquired by the students. In the long run we intend to be a contact point for the initiatives that will renew the tradition of quality- related activities in Lodz and the region.