Young researchers from the Institute of Mechatronics and Information Systems already have a lot of experience in projects starring virtual reality.
In the latest project, they will participate in networking and conduct joint supervision of doctoral theses in the field of digital media.
- Examples of such scientific work include designing applications for emotion recognition through immersive systems, or teaching empathy using virtual reality, says Dr Kamińska.
The project awarded in the Blended mobility to create networks path will last six months. During this time, researchers from partner universities will design joint strategies and research for product improvement, taking into account the so-called user experience, functionality and accessibility of digital solutions.
The project is coordinated by the University of Averio, and in addition to Lodz University of Technology, the consortium includes the University of Trento, the University of Dublin, Ireland, Linköping University from Sweden, and the Italian research institute Fondacione Bruno Kessler.