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The Polish Accreditation Committee (PKA) has distinguished Chemical Technology and Power Engineering degree programs by awarding them both Education Excellence Certificates.


Education Excellence Certificates are awarded to those degree programs that have received a positive program evaluation for a period of 6 years based on applying good practice in the quality of education and/or proven track record of achievements by students enrolled in the program and graduates from the program.


The degree programs distinguished by PKA received their Education Excellence Certificates in different categories: the first- and second-cycle degree programs in Chemical Technology, taught at the Faculty of Chemistry, were awarded in the category Doskonały kierunek − doskonałość w kształceniu na kierunku [Excellent degree program - excellence in teaching], whereas the first-cycle degree program in Power Engineering, taught at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, was recognized in the category Zawsze dla studenta – doskonałość we wsparciu rozwoju studentów [Student at the center – excellence in fostering student development].