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Lodz University of Technology has received an extension for another 3 years - until 17 June 2025 - of its entitlement to the HR Excellence in Research award granted by the European Commission and to use its logo. For the first time, Lodz University of Technology was among the research institutions that were awarded this important "mark of excellence" back in May 2016.

Written by Ewa Chojnacka editor-in-chief


The right to use the logo is not given once and for all, therefore the European Commission assessors visited Lodz University of Technology a month ago and during the Site-Visit they made a detailed evaluation of the activities carried out so far within the HR Excellence in Research process. Their visit and a number of on-site interviews with various representatives of the academic community confirmed the effectiveness and good direction of the activities carried out so far.

The Rector of Lodz University of Technology, Professor Krzysztof Jóźwik, emphasizes with satisfaction

- The awarding of HR Excellence in Research for the next term confirms the high position of Lodz University of Technology in the international scientific community and the fact that the standards introduced at our university help create a friendly workplace for scientists from all over the world. Thanks to this, they can develop their research and teaching careers and undertake a number of activities for the benefit of society.

The HR Excellence in Research logo brings greater recognition in the European research area, assuring scientists, also from abroad, that Lodz University of Technology is an attractive partner in international projects and research.

Addressing a letter to the TUL community, the Rector wrote

- I would like to express my immense and heartfelt thanks to all the persons and units that were involved in the process of applying for the renewal of the distinction.