Authored on 07/07/2023 - 14:16
Kategorie aktualności

New trees at Lodz University of Technology, rainwater for plants, and solar benches you can charge your mobile devices on have won this year's edition of the IDEA BOX program.

Written by Małgorzata Parzynowska, University Office for Development


Professor Krzysztof Jóźwik, Rector of Lodz University of Technology, presenting the authors of the winning proposals with commemorative diplomas, said,

'I am delighted with the activism of our staff, students, and doctoral students, who come up with ideas and take part in the vote in the Idea Box participatory budget program. This is transforming the campus of Lodz University of Technology into a space that is even more favorable for working, studying, and spending your free time’.

Sixty-three contributions were submitted to the Idea Box, of which 19 ideas were selected by the rector of TUL for implementation and further processing outside of the IDEA Box budget, which left a larger amount of the allocated funds for the proposals to be voted on.

The 7th edition of the project attracted a lot of interest. Voting, in which more than 600 individuals took part (one could vote for up to three selected ideas), identified the winning projects. Those will be realized before the end of 2023.


  • Let's plant trees at Lodz University of Technology by Adam Owczarek (361 votes),
  • Rainwater for plants instead of in the sewer by Kamila Belka (315 votes),
  • SUNFLOWER solar stations or solar benches for charging mobile devices by dr inż. Michal Sójka (286 votes),
  • Lodz University of Technology - sanctuary for animals and birds by Andrzej Saganowski (227 votes).

Under IDEA BOX, staff and students of our university have the opportunity to submit their ideas with the goal of improving the comfort of working, studying, and spending time at the university.

This year, 100,000 zloty was the allocated budget for the winning ideas. The eligibility criteria were: execution by the end of 2023, compliance with regulations, technical and financial feasibility.

Previous editions produced, among others, two flower meadows, beehives, bicycle repair stations and bike racks, indoor and outdoor student zones, air quality sensors on campus, and the Mobile Alert application software.