A year-on-year comparison shows that in the category 'universities', Lodz University of Technology was ranked 52 positions higher, i.e., 1186th in the world, out of the 4762 higher education institutions. Among the 451 Eastern Europe universities, it advanced by 12 positions to 46th place, while in the by country classification including 70 Polish universities, TUL gained 2 positions to 19th place.
Beyond the global classification, also published were rankings by subject area. These, in the opinion of Rector of Lodz University of Technology prof. Krzysztof Jóźwik, demonstrate how intense the ongoing scientific research is. ‘Innovative research projects that are indeed conducted at our University create better environment for students and pave the way towards winning further research funding,' said the rector, adding, 'It is worth remembering, however, that rankings are only one of many yardsticks by which universities are appraised.'
Lodz University of Technology was evaluated in 25 categories. In which ones did it achieve high standing? In Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering it ranked 1st in Poland and 243rd in the world, among the 2142 classified universities. In Agricultural and Biological Sciences it came 2nd among Polish universities and 439th among the 3055 classified universities around the globe. In Chemistry, TUL was classified 3rd in Poland, in Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology it was 4th, and in Physics and Astronomy it was 6th in Poland.
The overall first place in the global ranking belongs to Harvard University, followed by the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences and Tsinghua University. Jagiellonian University, Warsaw University and Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń were given the top three positions in the country rankings.
The basis for the classification comprises 20 indicators considered in the following three areas: research performance (50% weighting), innovation performance (30%), and societal impact measured by visibility on the Web (20%).