Authored on 05/27/2024 - 12:24
Kategorie aktualności

The Korea Institute of Energy Technology Evaluation and Planning (KETEP) and the National Center for Research and Development (NCRD), sponsored the idea to organize the Korea-Poland Energy Efficiency Technology Cooperation Forum in Seoul. Of the 6 researchers in the Polish delegation one is affiliated with TUL: dr inż. Mariusz Jabłoński from the Department of Electrical Apparatus.

Written by dr inż. Mariusz Jabłoński, Department of Electrical Apparatus


Below is his report on his impressions from the several days' long visit (April 23-25, 2024) and the extent of Lodz University of Technology's engagement in activities towards energy efficiency.

The Department of Electrical Apparatus (KAE) has been engaged in research in the field of energy efficiency of smart buildings and smart cities for many years. In 2022, TUL Rector, prof. Krzysztof Jóźwik, inaugurated a smart floor at the Department's A12 Building. The floor was adapted thanks to the grant Interdisciplinary Research and Development Center of the Lodz University of Technology for Advanced Materials and Intelligent Management Systems in Construction 2020 + provided from the Regional Operational Programme (ROP) of the Łódzkie Voivodeship for 2014-2020.

Lodz University of Technology, for nearly 10 years now, has been the only university in the country to offer a degree program in Control Systems for Intelligent Buildings and has produced more than 120 graduates to date. Last year, the program was accredited by the Polish Accreditation Committee PKA.

Polish researchers in Seoul
As a token of appreciation for these contributions, dr inż. Mariusz Jabłoński of the Department of Electrical Apparatus was invited to participate in a Polish-Korean seminar organized in Seoul. He was recommended by the head of the Department, prof. Piotr Borkowski, chairman of the Working Group for 5th National Smart Specialization: Smart and Energy – Saving Construction, established under the auspices of the Ministry of Economic Development and Technology.
At the invitation of the Korea Institute of Energy Technology Evaluation and Planning, the Polish delegation of scientists included professor Piotr Łapka, Warsaw University of Technology, content coordinator of the Seminar, professor Tomasz Cholewa, Lublin University of Technology, professor Edyta Dudkiewicz, Wrocław University of Technology, dr inż. Mariusz Jabłoński, Lodz University of Technology, professor Jacek Smołka, Silesian University of Technology, and professor Kamil Śmierciew, Białystok University of Technology.
The researchers were selected based on the high standard of their research, current and planned collaborations with South Korea. Apart from the Polish and Korean researchers, the seminar, centered on topics of energy efficiency, was also attended by representatives of National Center for Research and Development (NCBR).

Partnership talks
Artur Gradziuk from the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Seoul and Cezary Błaszczyk, Deputy Director at the NCBR International Cooperation Department, in opening the Seminar introduced those in attendance to the subject of international cooperation.
The highlight of the visit was the Korea-Poland Energy Efficiency Technology Cooperation Forum, during which Polish and Korean representatives presented their research and pointed to potential areas of collaboration. Dr Mariusz Jabłoński, as an NCBR expert, delivered a paper 'Energy efficient buildings and air quality strategy with BACS and renewable energy sources solutions in circular economy with sustainability’. A matchmaking session was also held, during which networking and exchange of knowledge and experience took place, to facilitate joint projects in the future.

Visiting industrial hubs
During the visit, the Korean hosts arranged meetings at two energy efficiency centers. The state agency KRAAC (Korea Refrigeration & Air-Conditioning Assessment Center) was the first to be visited. It is a national and internationally recognized leader in the certification of refrigeration, air-conditioning, and heat pump equipment for a large variety of industries, marketed in Korea and abroad. Next came a tour of LG's factory and its high-efficiency refrigeration equipment division. The delegation learned about the manufacturing process, was shown demonstrations of LG's flagship refrigeration equipment, including absorption chillers and the latest two-stage compressor systems with magnetic coupling.
Models of energy storage and distribution were on display, including those involving photovoltaic cells. The company also presented the latest developments in automation and control of air handling units. Heat pumps powered by gas engines were an interesting highlight.

Plans for the foreseeable future
The National Center for Research and Development and the Korea Institute of Energy Technology Evaluation and Planning, relying on the bilateral cooperation agreement dated October 28, 2022, intend to announce a second joint call for research and development proposals in the field of energy efficiency. The call is scheduled to open on May 27, 2024, and run until August 27.