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Dear Members of the TUL academic community
The last few weeks saw a number of events which engaged the entire Lodz University of Technology community. One of them, the Research Week, is the one I would like to highlight as there are several reasons for its relevance.


First and foremost, it engaged all of us: researchers, those with more and those with less experience, doctoral candidates, and students. It also involved administrative staff working in support of research at our institution. I wish to express my heartfelt gratitude to all of you for your contribution.

With the benefit of the previous year's experience, we adapted the agenda slightly, so that each day focused on a different activity towards the advancement of science - from the support for early-stage researchers, to the development of ambitious projects, to the issues of knowledge transfer and entrepreneurship, to publication matters. Almost 5,000 individuals attended the Open Day.

A major theme of the Research Week was to promote and encourage innovation. We think it very important to communicate the results of our research and to have a better understanding of what others outside our immediate team might be working on.

Lecturers, panelists, and workshop instructors motivated participants to engage in research.
Those who attended the Research Week hailed from a variety of scientific fields, and the event offered an opportunity to discuss collaboration and forming interdisciplinary teams.

Invited specialists delivered inspiring lectures, encouraging the pursuit of research goals whose ultimate outcome brings innovation and technological advancement.

This year, we hosted prof. Andrzej Dragan, a physicist from the University of Warsaw, and another professor of the same university and also president of IDEAS NCBR, Piotr Sankowski. Lech Kaniuk, well-known and well-respected in the national and Swedish startup landscape, had also accepted our invitation to speak.

As we are getting ready for the next edition of Research Week, we shall be asking you whether this year's event lived up to expectations.

With kind regards
prof. Krzysztof Jóźwik
TUL Rector