Authored on 05/24/2024 - 12:47
Kategorie aktualności

Each year, the University Senate convenes to confer the degrees of doktor and doktor habilitowany. The ceremony is held in the auditorium filled to capacity with academics, their research supervisors, and individuals who wish to witness this momentous occasion with their nearest and dearest.

Written by dr Agnieszka Garcarek-Sikorska, Media and Communications Office


During the May ceremony, TUL Rector, prof. Krzysztof Jóźwik, conferred postdoctoral degrees on 18 scientists and 144 doctoral degrees, in the discipline of engineering and technical sciences, science and life sciences, agricultural sciences, and social sciences.

Welcoming those assembled in the Prof. Tadeusz Paryjczak auditorium, the rector said: 'Today's ceremony is a token of the recognition and appreciation for the passionate pursuit of science. It makes me both proud and pleased that there are so many who will be receiving their degrees and thereby unlocking a new stage in their professional careers'.

Speaking about Lodz University of Technology as a supportive place for all regardless of their age, religious beliefs, and outlook, prof. Krzysztof Jóźwik gave a special introduction to dr. inż. Stanisław Pruś who had completed his doctoral dissertation at the age of over 70, having returned to the Faculty of Material Technologies and Textile Design after decades of working in the industry. Once he retired, dr Pruś found himself wishing that he could scientifically verify his considerations and test the assumptions that he had made over the many years of working with dyes. Życie Uczelni published a report on this in the article Doktorat na emeryturze dlaczego, nie? by Piotr Kulpiński, university professor, dr Pruś' doctoral dissertation supervisor, and dr inż. Edyta Matyjas-Zgondek, dr Pruś' auxiliary supervisor.

TUL Rector, prof. Jóźwik, remarking that Lodz University of Technology is approaching its 80th anniversary, said: 'Science is one of the foundations of our development. I am glad that we are succeeding in this area, a proof of which is in the numbers. During the year, 177 people have advanced in their careers defending their doctoral dissertations, postdoctoral dissertations, and accepting full professorship, which is the culmination point of a career in research’.

The rector congratulated all the professors who had been nominated in the last year. They were: prof. Grzegorz Kudra, prof. Szymon Grabowski, prof. Marcin Kozanecki, prof. Tomasz Maniecki, prof. Joanna Pietrasik, prof. Radosław Podsiadły, prof. Piotr Mastalerz, prof. Piotr Dziugan, prof. Robert Klewicki, prof. Tomasz Olejnik, prof. Elżbieta Sobiecka, prof. Bartosz Walczak, prof. Marta Gmurek, prof. Dariusz Heim.