Authored on 05/27/2024 - 13:46
Kategorie aktualności

EduCare is a project of the Student Government of Lodz University of Technology the purpose of which is to provide academic support to children living in Łódź orphanages. Academic assistance to kids who have no support from their family is really important for a number of reasons, several of them being crucial.

Written by Weronika Przybył, project coordinator, TUL Student Government


We want to give the children individual support, help offset the difficulties arising from their personal situation, and improve their educational attainment. By implementing our project, we want to let these children know that they are important and that, by becoming better at learning, they are building an advantage and pushing the door to a better future open wider.

The project drew in 80 volunteers to work at 15 institutions. We started with identified the number and the needs of the children, the subjects with which they needed help. Their level of attainment, as well as other educational, welfare and social needs were considered.

This preliminary analysis allowed us to match volunteers with individual kids to ensure that their collaboration would yield good results. To strengthen competencies of the volunteers, we provided them with a 4-hour training to prep them for working with children, and a safety training.

Volunteers were required to meet certain formal requirements, i.e. provide certificates of no criminal record and pass a check for pedophilia offenses. By now (May 2024), 30 volunteers have already complied with all the requirements.

The first tutoring sessions have been held. The project is in full swing and the volunteers are genuinely engaged in helping the children, offering them academic and emotional support.