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How to design new and modernize existing buildings so that they consume as little energy as possible? Students of Lodz University of Technology will learn this from Denmark - a leader in the field of energy-efficient construction. All thanks to the "New Generation Engineers" project.


Energy efficiency is the basis of a conscious and ecological lifestyle, as well as an inevitable step in the energy transformation that awaits us.

Lodz and the Lodz University of Technology in the European programme

"New Generation Engineers" is a project initiated by Danfoss for the first time in Warsaw in 2021, and now also launched in Lodz. It operates under an international partnership and connects four entities: Lodz City Hall, Lodz University of Technology, the Royal Danish Embassy and Danfoss. As part of the project, a group of students appointed by the University will work on a plan to improve the energy efficiency of buildings.

By implementing the "Next Generation Engineers" project, students will establish substantive cooperation with Danfoss experts, participate in workshops and lectures, and visit reference facilities in Denmark and knowledge exchange centres dedicated to energy efficiency.

Lodz, as one of the 100 distinguished European cities covered by the "Climate neutral and smart cities" programme, joins the project.

- We have been intensively revitalizing buildings for years, and thanks to the project that is just beginning, students from Lodz University of Technology will also be involved in this process, who will prepare a plan to improve the energy efficiency of selected buildings in Lodz - says the President of Lodz, Hanna Zdanowska.

The project will last until the end of 2023.

- I am very pleased with the involvement of Lodz University of Technology in the project "Engineers of the New Generation" in Lodz, under which our students will develop a plan for more effective energy saving of city buildings. Initiatives implementing the goals of sustainable development are of particular importance to us. I am proud that the potential of students studying at TUL has been noticed, and that our university is developing cooperation with such important partners - emphasizes Prof. Krzysztof Jóźwik, Rector of Lodz University of Technology.

We learn from the best

Denmark has been a leader in the field of energy-efficient construction for many years. It is also a leader in the EU in terms of the use of renewable energy sources. Solutions and technologies used in Denmark are an example for other countries that want to improve their energy security and at the same time take care of the quality of life. It is the Danish experiences and acquired knowledge that the students will transfer to Poland, working on the final shape of the building decarbonisation plan.

- More than ever, the world needs projects like 'Next Generation Engineers' where experienced minds meet young and creative minds to find solutions to our common problems," says Ole Toft, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Denmark.

As part of the ongoing project, Lodz will select buildings that will then be subjected to a detailed analysis by students. In addition, the city provided access to the necessary design documentation and information on the current energy consumption in the examined facilities. The two most active students participating in the project will be awarded an internship at any Danfoss facility in the world.

The project "New Generation Engineers" is an opportunity to accelerate the process of decarbonisation of Polish cities, international exchange of experiences, it is also a huge dose of knowledge and development potential for students of Polish technical universities. 

- "New Generation Engineers" in Lodz are exactly the kind of partnership we need: cross-sector cooperation to take concrete action in the face of the climate and energy crisis. Danfoss takes pride in participating and offering knowledge of the technical solutions needed. The purest energy available is energy that we don't consume at all. The potential for energy efficiency is enormous and still untapped. Now is the right time to act, emphasizes Martin Rossen, Senior Vice President, Head of Group Communication & Sustainability, Danfoss.