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For the first time partners of the VTECH - Accelerating Western Balkans University Modernization by Incorporating Virtual Technologies project implemented under the Erasmus+ programme came to Lodz University of Technology.

Written by Dorota Kamińska nad Grzegorz Zwoliński, Institute of Mechatronics and Information Systems


The guests from Balkan universities were welcomed by the Rector, Prof. Krzysztof Jóźwik, who initiated the two-day meeting. The plenary session was attended by representatives of universities from Albania, Kosovo and North Macedonia. The Rector paid special attention to the necessity of carrying out international projects using modern digital technologies, which in today's reality make it possible to create efficient tools for remote education. He confirmed his support for this type of activities, emphasizing that Lodz University of Technology often acts as an international technological expert in such projects.

The head of the Institute of Mechatronics and Information Systems (IMSI), Prof. Sławomir Wiak, who participated in the meeting, presented the foreign guests with the possibilities of close use of immersion technologies together with communication technologies to develop various practical, teaching and scientific applications. At the same time, he indicated the competences of our university from the point of view of the 5G Competence Centre, which he heads.

Experts from IMSI, Dr Eng. Grzegorz Zwoliński and Dr Eng. Anna Laska - Leśniewicz led workshops on the arrangement of virtual and augmented reality environments, user interface design and scenarios for interaction, as well as usability testing of applications. What is particularly attractive for the Balkan universities is the know-how of the partners, including researchers from Lodz University of Technology, who have extensive design and practical experience in technologies connecting the real world with the digital world.

- It is thanks to them that the aims of the project, such as building the potential of the academic staff in the scope of incorporating virtual technologies into the education process and developing teaching methods using technology and ICT tools on the basis of knowledge and experience, are realized - says Dr Kamińska, who coordinates the project at our university.

The leader of VTECH project is Albanian Aleksander Moisiu University in Durrës. The consortium includes 8 Balkan universities, and the knowledge and know-how in the field of modern forms of education is shared by TUL, the University of Tartu in Estonia and the Slovenian University of Ljubljana.