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Kluby Rozwoju Cyfrowego [Digital Development Clubs, KRCs] is a project planned to run for several years, funded from the European Social Fund Plus. Currently, the project is in the pilot phase, KRC Support, to select the first 64 municipalities where the premises of the whole enterprise will be put to the test.

Written by Ewa Chojnacka, editor-in-chief


The project tasks are carried out by 6 partner organizations, with the Centrum Projektów Polska Cyfrowa [Center for Digital Poland Projects] as the lead partner and Lodz University of Technology as one of the remaining partners. The university efforts are expected to extend to the łódzkie, świętokrzyskie, and kujawsko-pomorskie voivodeships.

Digital skills are regarded as key skills, which is why educational support in this area is so important. As TUL prof. Ewa Korzeniewska, coordinating activities in the project and head of the Institute of Electrical Engineering Systems at the Faculty of EEIA, explained:

‘Digital Development Clubs are to reach out specifically to people at risk of digital exclusion who lack basic digital skills, including inactive people, people with disabilities, and the elderly. Mandatory topics to be addressed are the skills to use public e-services, including e-health. Furthermore, they include those described in DigComp's Digital Competences Framework 2.2: information and data literacy, communication and collaboration, digital content creation, security, and problem solving skills to solve problems that "club members" may encounter in the course of using digital tools.’

The tasks in the KRC project include the design of class scenarios as well as training of female and male educators, preparation, launch and maintenance of an education and communication platform where educational content related to the project will be posted.

TUL prof. Ewa Korzeniewska added:

‘We are now at the stage of approving the framework developed for the operation of the Digital Development Clubs in Poland, i.e. the minimum requirements for municipalities and their constituent entities, in order to create one clearly-defined standard for the functioning of the Clubs. We are also leveraging our teaching experience in developing materials for female and male educators, who will eventually spread digital literacy in municipalities.’

The project is expected to reach a target of 2,000 municipalities.