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International Cooperation Centre successfully applied to the Welcome to Poland programme run by the National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA) and has obtained almost 400 thousand PLN for initiatives supporting the university internationalisation. 181 projects applied for co-financing at NAWA, of which only 39 have been selected for implementation, including Lodz University of Technology.

The goal of the project is to increase the degree of internationalisation of Lodz University of Technology by, for example, promoting the university as an attractive place to work, study and conduct research for foreign students, doctoral students and academic staff. And also by creating favourable conditions for foreigners and opportunities for greater integration in the academic environment,

- explains Agnieszka Wierzbińska of the Student Mobility Section ICC TUL


Teams responsible for the implementation of individual tasks are already getting down to work. However, the entire project will run until May 2023 – At that time, intercultural integration meetings for students and staff of Lodz University of Technology are planned. An e-learning course will be created to prepare foreign students, studying for a full cycle of studies, to function in the academic environment of Lodz University of Technology, as well as promotional videos that will promote the educational offer of TUL abroad on the YouTube and in social media, like Facebook and Instagram', says Ms Wierzbińska. Foreign promotion carried out in this way is bound to increase the recognition of Lodz University of Technology in the international arena and strengthen its prestige.

One of the project tasks will be a promotional campaign of studies at Lodz University of Technology in cooperation with foreign bloggers and You Tube users, which will contribute to the use of new online tools in foreign promotion of the educational offer. This will make it possible to reach wider target groups.

In addition, the project will ensure access to relevant information on the functioning of the university for English-speaking students and lecturers as it will be provided in English. The ICC service areas for foreigners will also be secured against the risk of spreading the COVID-19 pandemic

- adds Agnieszka Wierzbińska.

As the programme authors say, not only potential candidates for studies from strategic target countries will benefit from the Welcome TULbox 2.0 that is "TUL welcome kit", but also foreign students studying at TUL, foreign staff members, and the entire TUL community.