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The ancients approached music as a science. Pythagoras and his students believed that the sound proportions reflected the harmony of the cosmos. The Choir of Lodz University of Technology knows something about this, because its members combine the scientific and artistic minds in one. An example is Beata Rurarz, the president of the Choir, who does her doctorate with flying colours, because without music she cannot even imagine counting. Ludwig van Beethoven said: “It doesn't matter if you play a wrong note. Playing without passion is unforgivable! ”. Fortunately, our choristers do not lack passion!

This year you are celebrating your 70th anniversary. How are you going to celebrate this event?

We have announced the 2021/2022 academic year as a jubilee, because the oldest records we have managed to reach indicate that the first choir at Lodz University of Technology was established on October 5, 1951. Since its inception, we had a short break in activities in 1965–1968, which caused some jubilee confusion as we celebrated two different anniversaries. That is why we decided that we would focus on the date the choir was founded, and not on its uninterrupted activity.

We have extensive plans for this special year. First of all, we want to prepare a few concerts. The inaugural winter concert is unfortunately cancelled, but our song recorded in the convention of a virtual choir was broadcast during the December concert "Christmas Singing" at Lodz Philharmonic and will soon have its online premiere. The spring concert is still planned - it will take place in March and the concluding concert in June. The most important and the largest of the entire celebration will be the gala concert in May, around the festival.

At the beginning of the academic year, you were recruiting new members. How were this year’s choir admissions?

Very successful - very interesting choristers joined us. You can see that everyone lacks meeting and closeness, although the turnout is different, as some are still afraid of a pandemic. The number of the choir reaches 70 members, so this academic year we would like to focus on activities aimed at building the team.

Beata Rurarz, the chairwoman the Choir of Lodz University of Technology, fot. Jacek Szabela

Many universities have a choir. What distinguishes the Choir of Lodz University of Technology?

I think any choir would say it has a unique atmosphere and there is a lot of truth to it. Our community is an intergenerational meeting place for people with different backgrounds. During the celebration of the jubilee, I would like to pay special attention to those who are with us now, because they create this unique atmosphere.

In our group, we have both engineers and members who are not strictly related to the university. We are often talking here about the meeting in one person of the scientific mind with the creative particle. I think this is what distinguishes choirs at technical universities, gathering people whose love of mathematics makes them understand music differently from people with an artistic education.

You were active in the pandemic. How do you view this time?

Our activity in the pandemic was very difficult. When the fashion for online performances (virtual choirs) started, we were the first band in the region to release a track. In total, we recorded about five songs, but the most spectacular is "We will rock you" from Queen's repertoire, arranged by our conductor, Mariusz Lewy. We also collaborated with Lodz University of Technology Orchestra, and in the meantime we took part in the Polish Virtual Choir of the Universities of Technology. Each choir then delegated its representatives, who together prepared a piece on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the birth of John Paul II.

You have had the opportunity to collaborate with numerous artists. Which concert do you remember best?

The concert with Andrea Bocelli in 2012 was an inspiring event. The experience was interesting because singing with the soloist, where the choir is only an accessory, was different from what we were used to. By the way, we were able to work with Marcello Rota - the conductor of the orchestra that came with Bocelli - and get to know a completely different approach to the artist and performances. It was something amazing - the first such performance on a big stage with an audience of several thousand.

I also remember well the concerts from the Night of the Proms series. During these events, the intense stage movement was a challenge for us, which is also important for our conductor, so it is possible that in the future we will prepare a performance with choreography. Many stars appeared at Night of the Proms concerts, among them we - later mentioned by journalists in one sentence with such celebrities as Coolio, Natalia Kukulska or Zuccero.

Concert of the Choir of Lodz University of Technology with Andrea Bocelli, fot. arch. ACPŁ

You can boast of various awards, also of world rank. Which award was particularly important?

In 2011, we played in Ireland at an international festival. We took part in two categories - sacred and entertainment. We won first places in each of them, so the morale of the group was really high. We received cups that still stand in our hall in the 3rd Student Hall of residence. I remember that on the way back from the concert, we were already drinking champagne on the bus. It was a great trip both in terms of art, as well as social and tourist. The very qualification for the choral festival in Cantonigros (Spain) was also a great achievement. We had a great time, especially in the folk category - we performed in folk costumes from the Lodz region.

What are the benefits of being in a choir?

It certainly influences the development of soft skills, such as the ability to work in a team, communication skills, developing creativity and organizing working time. Performing live allows you to get used to the stress, and the preparation of a concert involves completing various formalities and acquiring sponsors, which also teaches you to negotiate. It is not only a school of life, but also a great adventure, especially since the choir gives you the opportunity to explore the world. Great company is also important. Spending time together is very close. We even have several couples who are already married today. I also met my husband in the choir. And choristers' weddings are just something! Singing in a group requires certain compromises, but everything is possible. My husband doesn't sing in the choir anymore, but he supports and advises me, especially since he became interested in acoustics.

the Choir of Lodz University of Technology with Mariusz Lewy, fot. arch. ACHPŁ

What are your plans for the future?

We want to adjust the level of communication to younger audiences and become active in social media such as Instagram or TikTok. If we decide to record another album, we will also make it available on Spotify or other music services. We are currently publishing our songs on YouTube and Facebook.

What I want most at the moment, however, is for the pandemic to end. Choral activity is specific, especially in such times, and yet the energy from the audience is irreplaceable. Meanwhile, we want to release all the concerts online, although of course we will control the situation and perform live if possible.

We invite you to join the Choir of Lodz University of Technology and follow our social media, in which we release the songs we perform and publish information about members and events. Celebrate the 70th anniversary with us!

Interview by: Paulina Krygier