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Prof. Grażyna Budryn, Faculty of Biotechnology and Food Sciences, has been nominated for the prestigious award Ambasador Innowacyjności roku 2024 (2024 Ambassador of Innovation) awarded by Europejski Ośrodek Rozwoju Gospodarki (The European Center for Economic Development).

Edited by Ewa Chojnacka


According to the Award Jury, the researcher from Lodz University of Technology, by pursuing research projects that yield unorthodox developments, has made a significant contribution to the advancement of innovation in Poland. Prof. Budryn collaborates closely with the Polish food industry and her track record features many pioneering technologies with respect to health-promoting properties of food, an area that is crucially important when it comes to the functioning of our bodies. She is a co-author of 70 scientific publications and 9 patents.

Below are a few examples of the innovations in food production engineered by prof. Grażyna Budryn:

Ready-made AND healthy

Partnering with PAMAPOL, a well-known manufacturer of pre-prepared food, prof. Budryn has developed 3 product lines: meals for vegetarians, meals supporting the prevention of diabetes, and meals helping to prevent cardiovascular diseases. The health-promoting properties of these foods are achieved through biotechnological processes. What is more, they maintain their biological activity during storage thanks to a careful selection of their packaging.

Aromatic coffee blends

The Professor cooperates with Grupa Buena (Buena Group) to implement a new type of roasted coffee. Not only will your cup of Joe be rich in polyphenols (health-promoting compounds) from the coffee, but also in the polyphenols found in wine, further boosting the beverage's aromatic bouquet. This innovation is a result of the experience accumulated over the course of no fewer than five R&D projects on the coffee bean.

Sprouts to alleviate menopause and other ailments

As the principal investigator in an OPUS grant, prof. Budryn developed and patented a method for producing fermented clover, chickpea, and alfalfa sprouts, with enhanced phytoestrogen content.
The sprouts have a high content of peptides, digestive enzymes, neurotransmitters, and vitamins B. Unlike hormonal preparations, they exhibit properties that alleviate menopausal symptoms without the risk of inducing neoplastic changes. They also have oncoprotective and bone-building properties.
The innovation in the fermentation process and product comes from the use of a unique strain of bacteria isolated and characterized at Lodz University of Technology, as well as from the carefully selected conditions of the sprout cultivation itself.
Following 3 research and product development grants, including one from EIT Food for the top 40 food startups in Europe in 2022, fermented alfalfa sprouts with properties that help control cholesterol and blood glucose levels, support digestion, and adaptation to stress have gone into production.

Biodegradable packaging and wraps

Prof. Grażyna Budryn has co-implemented the know-how on methods of pasteurization and vacuum packaging of root vegetables for the company Victus and WaldiBen, a fruit and vegetable processing plant.
Furthermore, the Professor has been working on using waste from the agri-food industry, including apple pomace, for the production of biodegradable dishware. She is also the co-author of a patented method of manufacturing biodegradable cling films from potato starch and other natural polymers that is expected to rival plastic films.