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The European Commission has awarded almost €250,000 to the international project Building dIgital coMpetencies of students and teacHers in construction related degrees & incrEasing digitAl reaDiness of EU universities (BIMaHead).

Lodz University of Technology will implement this project together with partners from France, Germany, Sweden and North Macedonia. The coordinator at the university is dr hab. inż. arch. Anetta Kępczyńska-Walczak, professor at the Institute of Architecture and Urban Planning explains briefly the project's assumptions:

The project focuses on developing digital skills that are specific to future professionals in the construction industry - architects, designers, engineers, constructors, among others - in terms of creating a complete Building Information Model (BIM), i.e. not only technical documentation but also a virtual three-dimensional model, now referred to as a 'digital twin'. BIM will become an integral part of the qualifications needed by future workers in the construction sector.

Working in an international environment, participants will find it easier to compare good practices and pedagogical scenarios, design innovative concepts, develop e-learning materials for BIM training, test jointly developed solutions and produce evaluations and guidelines for future educational activities. Funding for these activities comes from the Erasmus+ programme. The project will end in two years.