Dr hab. inż. Andrzej Romanowski, Professor of the University ( scientific discipline: Information and telecommunications technology, Web of Science Core Collection: h-index - 13, liczba publikacji 2013-2021 - 36, liczba cytowań dla publikacji z lat 2013-2021 - 333. SciVal: Output in 10% Citation Percentiles (%) - 7,40%. Znormalizowany wskaźnik Field-Weighted Citation Impact (FWCI) dla publikacji z lat 2013-2021 - 1,49).
His scientific interests concern human-computer interaction, industrial tomography, crowdsourcing, so-called future-of-work and industry 4.0.
He is a co-author of a number of IT projects in the field of computer forensics used in forensic laboratories and in the daily work of police experts. His work is recognized at international forums for innovation and invention.
He completed research internships at Leeds University, University of Manchester and Bergen University; cooperates with Utrecht University, Harvard University, Chalmers University, LMU Munich and NUS Singapore.
He participated in 14 research and development projects financed in the country by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, NCBiR, FBW, or as part of the EU, the International Atomic Energy Agency, Norway Grants and the British EPSRC.
He was twice a scholarship holder of the Minister of Science and Higher Education for Outstanding Young Scientists.
He was the president and member of the Łódź Branch of the Polish Information Processing Society, as well as the Association for Computing Machinery and ACM SIGCHI Poland Chapter.
Faculty of Electrical, Electronic, Computer and Control Engineering
18/22 Stefanowskiego Street
90-537 Lodz, Poland