
Professor Marta Gmurek, (Chemical Engineering) is an employee of the Department of Molecular Engineering employed as a professor of the University at the Faculty of Process and Environmental Engineering at Lodz University of Technology.

In 2014 she defended her doctoral thesis with honours, and in 2018 she received her post-doctoral qualifications (habilitation degree).

Professor Gmurek actively participates in research on the degradation of xenobiotic compounds (including endocrine substances and pharmaceuticals) using reactive oxygen species - advanced oxidation and photosensitization processes.

Professor Marta Gmurek, took part in many research projects financed by NCN and NCBiR. She was the project manager of the Small Grant Scheme within Norway Grants.

ProfessorGmurek carries out research work based on cooperation with Charles University in Prague (Czech Republic), University of Coimbra (Portugal) and Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (Germany).

In the period after obtaining her doctoral degree she completed several internships abroad in Germany as part of the prestigious DAAD scholarship and an internship in Portugal as part of the "Mobility Plus" project. (MNiSW).

Professor Gmurek has been repeatedly awarded, among others, twice by FNP (Scholarship Start), twice by Societas Humboldtiana Polonorum Association, MNiSW (Scholarship for Outstanding Young Scientists) or Polish Academy of Sciences Branch in Łódź and the Conference of Rectors of Public Universities in Łódź.

In 2019 she was elected a member of the Academy of Young Scientists of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Faculty IV of Technical Sciences of PAN.

Professor Marta Gmurek also received the prestigious Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellowship for Postdoctoral Researchers (Humboldt Research Fellowship For Postdoctoral Researchers) for a project at the Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT) in 2021/2022.

She is co-author of 52 publications on the JCR list.