Professor Urszula Ledzewicz (Mathematics, Web of Science Core Collection: h-index - 20, liczba publikacji 2013-2021 - 51, liczba cytowań dla publikacji z lat 2013-2021 - 331. SciVal: Output in 10% Citation Percentiles (%) - 7,10%. Znormalizowany wskaźnik Field-Weighted Citation Impact (FWCI) dla publikacji z lat 2013-2021 - 1,06) specializes in geometric methods of optimal control and their applications to analysis of mathematical models describing cancer therapies.
She cooperates with many centres of biomathematics, in particular with the Mathematical Biosciences Institute (Ohio, USA), pharmaceutical industry, e.g. Bristol-Myers-Squibb. She is a co-author of 3 monographs published by Springer-Verlag and over 150 scientific articles.
She is a member of editorial boards of several journals; she has organized over 30 international conferences; she has been a referee of many grants for the National Science Foundation USA, Chile, Luxemburg.

Faculty of Technical Physics, Information Technology and Applied Mathematics
215 Wolczanska Street
93-005 Lodz, Poland