Prof. Magdalena Grębosz-Krawczyk, PhD., DSc. (discipline: management and quality studies, Web of Science Core Collection: h-index - 5, number of publications 2013-2021 - 16, number of citations for publications from 2013-2021 - 59. SciVal: Output in 10% Citation Percentiles (%) - 6.30%. Normalized Field-Weighted Citation Impact (FWCI) for publications from 2013-2021 - 0.63.
She focuses her research on brand management and international marketing issues with a particular emphasis on social media brand management and nostalgia branding. She also carries out consulting activities in marketing strategies.
Her academic achievements include more than 150 scientific publications in Polish, English, and French. She has managed numerous research projects, including those funded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, the National Science Centre, the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange, or the Embassy of the French Republic in Poland. She is a scholarship holder of the Bekker NAWA Programme.
She emphasizes the internationalization of research and teaching activities. She has held several research internships at ESIEE Paris (France), Université de Nantes (France), University of Perugia (Italy), Matej Bel University (Slovakia), Universidade Europeia (Portugal), and Grenoble Ecole de Management (France), among others.
Since 2008, she has been teaching as a visiting professor at foreign universities in France, Finland, and Slovakia.
She is an active member of Polish and international scientific organizations. She serves as an expert at the National Academic Exchange Agency and a reviewer at the National Science Centre. She is also a board member of the Polish Scientific Society of Marketing, a member of the ERECO-PGV research network and the Polish Economic Society.

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