Professor Michał Tadeusiewicz (Scientific discipline: Automation, Electronics, Electrical Engineering and Space Technologies, the total number of publications 214, including two books (WNT, Warsaw), 90 articles in journals (periodicals) of which 49 articles in 20 journals from the JCR list and earlier SCI; h- index acc. to Web of Science CC- 12).
He delivered scientific presentations in 21 countries.
He was given 2 awards in the category: The Best Paper Award in Circuits Systems and Signal Processing (Springer Birkhauser, New York).
He is a laureate of two individual awards of the Minister of Science and Higher Education and Technology for scientific activity. He is on the World's Top 2% Scientists list.
He is a Senior Professor of Lodz University of Technology.
His research interests concern the theory and analysis of nonlinear electronic circuits and diagnostics of analog systems. The results of scientific research serve to improve the design and testing of electronic circuits.
He managed nine research programs of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, the Ministry of Science and Higher Education and the National Science Center, as well as many central and departmental programs. Member of various scientific organizations, including the Committee of Electronics and Telecommunications of the Polish Academy of Sciences (1990-2011) and three Sections of the Polish Academy of Sciences and The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, USA, with the rank of Life Senior Member.
He promoted eight doctors of technical sciences, gave opinions on 14 doctoral dissertations, 10 habilitation theses and 9 applications for the title of professor. He was a promoter in one and a reviewer in two honoris causa doctorates. He was the Vice Dean for Science at theFaculty of Electrical, Electronic, Computer and Control Engineering at Lodz University of Technology.
Decorated with the Knight's Cross of OOP, the Gold Cross of Merit, the Medal of the National Education Commission and the Badge of Merit for Lodz University of Technology.
Dyscyplina naukowa: automatyka, elektronika i elektrotechnika.