
Professor Tomasz Kubiak (Web of Science Core Collection: h-index - 21, liczba publikacji 2013-2021 - 44, liczba cytowań dla publikacji z lat 2013-2021 - 892. SciVal: Output in 10% Citation Percentiles (%) - 17,70%. Znormalizowany wskaźnik Field-Weighted Citation Impact (FWCI) dla publikacji z lat 2013-2021 - 1,26).

Scientific interests are generally understood mechanics of materials, including the strength of materials. He particularly focused on the nonlinear stability analysis of thin-walled structures made of composite materials.

His works can be used to estimate the strength and load-bearing capacity of load-bearing structural elements used in construction, automotive and aviation industries.

He conducted a lot of research in international cooperation by publishing papers with scientists working at the University of Calabria or DLR Germany Aerospace Center. Currently, he is awaiting the commencement of research approved and financed by Diamond Light Source UK in cooperation with the University of Bath and Lublin University of Technology.

He was the head of research projects financed by the National Science Center (Opus - 4 times) and a research team being a consortium member in a project implemented under the POIG programme.

He is a member of the Mechanics Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences, a member of the Stability Committee ASCE and a member of the editorial committee of the Composite Structures journal.

Professor Tomasz Kubiak
Professor Tomasz Kubiak
Department of Strength of Materials
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
1/15 Stefanowskiego Street
90-537 Lodz, Poland
building A22