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Transport & Mobility research team operating at the Lodz University of Technology under the umbrella of ECIU (European Consortium of Innovative Universities), coordinated by Dr. Eng. Barbara GALIŃSKA from the Faculty of Organization and Management, consisting of 11 members, invites researchers interested in the following areas:

  • transport management in the conditions of globalization: challenges and problems of the TSL industry
  • transport and transport networks in the EU (transport economics)
  • ecological transport (sustainable development, electromobility, low emission, modern materials and environmentally friendly technologies)
  • transport safety (safe linear and point infrastructure, active and passive safety, comfort)
  • intelligent transport systems (including traffic control)
  • vehilces design, modern materials and technologies
  • 15-minutes cities
  • micromobility
  • legal aspects

The team has already undertaken the preparation of 2 Horizon projects and, despite the fact that it has been operating for a short time, it is developing very dynamically and supports the multi-sectoral competences of its members and the Lodz University of Technology.

Therefore, anyone interested in joining Transport and Mobility section is asked to submit the following data:

  • name & surname
  • area of research interest

e-mail address: until March 29, 2024