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Announcement of the Vice-Rector for Student Affairs of Lodz University of Technology of 25 February 2022 on setting a deadline for the submission of students’ applications for access to parking spaces in Campuses A, B and C of Lodz University of Technology in the 2021/2022 summer term

On the basis of the Ordinance No. 38/2021 of the Rector of Lodz University of Technology of 21 July 2021 on the “Rules and Regulations of the Campus of Lodz University of Technology” and the Announcement of the Vice-Rector for Student Affairs of Lodz University of Technology of 17 September 2021 on establishing the principles of students’ application for access to parking spaces on the premises of Lodz University of Technology, I hereby set the deadline for submitting applications for parking spaces on campuses A, B and C of Lodz University of Technology in the summer term of the academic year 2021/2022.

§ 1

1. Applications for access to parking spaces in TUL Campus A and B as well as Campus C in the area of the Hall of Residence No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 in the form of an electronic form available at… can be submitted from 25 February 2022 to 27 February 2022 until 23:59.

2. Applications for access to parking spaces in TUL Campus C in the area of the Halls of Residence No. 7 in the form of an electronic form available at… can be submitted from 25 February 2022 to 27 February 2022 until 23:59.

§ 2

1. The remaining general rules for granting the use of parking spaces as set out in the announcement made by the TUL Vice-Rector for Student Affairs of of 17 September 2021 shall remain in force.

2. The rules specified in the Announcement shall enter into force as of the date of publication.


The Vice-Rector for Student Affairs

of Lodz University of Technology

Assoc. Prof. Witold Pawłowski, Ph.D., D.Sc.