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Please be informed that Information No. 5 of the Vice-Rector for Student Affairs at TUL, of March 27th 2020, concerning the performance of services related to financial support benefits during the period of suspension of classes at the university, caused by the threat of SARS-CoV-2, is hereby repealed. 

Please be reminded that the valid financial support application procedure is established in the Announcement of the Vice-Rector for Student Affairs at TUL, of June 7th 2021, on the deadlines for the submission of applications for financial support for students and participants in doctoral programmes at TUL in the academic year 2021/22. 

The information enters into force on the date of publication.

Assoc. Prof. Eng. Witold Pawłowski, TUL Prof.

Vice-Rector for Student Affairs at TUL

Vice-Head of the Crisis Management Centre