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Researchers from Lodz University of Technology in collaboration with the University of Lodz have developed, using virtual reality, an innovative tool for stress reduction. Thanks to the cooperation with the Lodz City Hall, they helped refugees from Ukraine to overcome post-war trauma.

written by Ewa Chojnacka, editor-in-chief


The pilot programme was launched on 7 April at the City Activity Office in Lodz, and 40 people were invited to participate. During each session the participant was transported for 20 minutes to a luxury flat in the mountains.

- The calm voice of the guide talked about the environment we were in and how to breathe during the session. Of course, we prepared a version in Ukrainian, says Dr Eng. Dorota Kamińska from the Institute of Mechatronics and Information Systems, TUL  and adds - The session combines several classical relaxation techniques, such as visualization and breathing techniques. It works a bit like the REM phase of sleep.

Virtual reality has been used for several years as a therapeutic method for stress reduction, treatment of depression, phobias or anxiety disorders. Its beneficial effects have been repeatedly confirmed scientifically, also by a team of scientists from the Institute of Mechatronics and Information Systems. The sessions are conducted within the Miniautra 4 project from the National Science Centre.