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The Ministry of Education and Science granted Lodz University of Technology additional funds to maintain and develop the university's teaching and research potential. Minister Przemysław Czarnek presented the Rector, Prof. Krzysztof Jóźwik with a cheque for PLN 10.5 million.

Minister Przemysław Czarnek visited (16.02) the first part of the latest development of Lodz University of Technology, the building of the Faculty of Chemistry "Alchemium - The Magic of Tomorrow's Chemistry".
It is a great joy that we can invest in infrastructure, which will allow us to develop research in the field of chemistry. The Ministry of Science and Higher Education, and now the Ministry of Education and Science is financing this investment to the maximum extent possible, with a small part of our own contribution - said Professor Krzysztof Jóźwik, Rector of TUL.

Within two years, until 2024, the university plans to complete the entire project. The second stage of the task will involve the construction of three laboratory and didactic buildings with a usable area of over 10,000 sq. m, which will house modern chemical and scientific laboratories.

I would like to congratulate you on this magnificent facility, which will allow for the development of research and teaching. I also congratulate you on commencing the second stage of the construction of Alchemium. The Ministry will allocate about 15 million PLN for this purpose this year and a similar amount in the following year - said Minister Czarnek at the meeting at TUL. He congratulated the authorities and teaching and administrative staff of Lodz University of Technology on its high position among technical universities in Poland.

The investment "Alchemium - The Magic of Tomorrow's Chemistry" will be realised from a special purpose grant of the Ministry of Education and Science in the amount of 65.1 million PLN and from the own funds of Lodz University of Technology. However, before the construction can begin, part of the building of the Department of Vehicles and Fundamentals of Machine Design at TUL must be demolished.