Authored on 05/10/2024 - 14:08
Kategorie aktualności

If you want to explore, develop, and expand your knowledge and activities related to HE and/or H2020 projects JOIN (REGISTRATION)  the event aiming to bring together coordinators from across the ECIU consortium to promote their project results and to invite researchers across ECIU to hear about the latest results, and enabling them all to connect for potential future research proposals.


Participating in 1 of the 4 breakout rooms will give the attendees the possibility to hear the details about 3 / 4 projects and ask questions.


  • 11:00 
    • Welcome by Laura Paternoster (ECIU EU Funding Advisor)
    • warm-up session and introduction to ECIU University
    • Francesca Tomasi (UniTrento, member of the R&I Expert group)
    • introduction to the R&I Expert group
  • 11:20   
    • Presentation of the projects in 4 breakout rooms - the list of the projects included in each break-out room can be found HERE
    • Q&A session in each breakout room
  • 12:30
    • ECIU Support to researchers and next steps on how to stay connected
    • Jörg Langwandt and Agnieszka Dybala-Defratyka 
    • (current and next chair of the ECIU R&I Expert group)
    • Q&A with the attendees and final remarks
  • 13.00   
    • End of the meeting

More information.