Coordinator of the project entitled Sustainable Industrial Design of Textile Structures for Composites - Sustainable Industrial Design of Textile Structures for Composites, awarded in the Twinning competition under the European Commission programme - Horizon Europa is Prof. Marcin Barburski, from the Institute of Architecture of Textiles, TUL.
I feel satisfaction that for the first time in the history of framework programmes, the project will be coordinated by Lodz University of Technology. The Twinning Programme is part of a European policy aimed at building a network of international cooperation to achieve scientific excellence in a given field. Our university, being a strong scientific centre in materials science, has earned financial resources and will manage the project carried out jointly with universities from Sweden, Germany, Spain and with the Polish company - said the rector of TUL Prof. Krzysztof Jóźwik, after the announcement of the results of the competition.
The team of researchers from Lodz University of Technology, together with project partners, will develop the expert knowledge in the field of industrial design, textile structure processing and composite reinforcement needed to build the Centre of Excellence in the field of optimisation innovative, technical textile products.
The concept of a research project on the design and evaluation of new composites for textile reinforcement is based on the specializations of individual universities. In Sweden during long-term visits, researchers will develop the project according to the EcoDesign principle, taking into account circular economics, selecting suitable biodegradable raw materials. The designed textile structures will be implemented in Aachen, Germany, and in Spain impregnated with biodegradable resins. At the Lodz University of Technology, the manufactured elements will be tested for mechanical and functional properties. The developed lightweight textile structures will be presented at conferences and implemented by Polish enterprises, whose representative is Wademekum - explains Dr Barburski, project coordinator.
The researchers' activities relate to industrial design, innovative textile structures used in lightweight composite structures, e.g. aircraft or drone components, as well as in the automobile industry.