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Prof. Małgorzata Szynkowska-Jóźwik, dean of the Faculty of Chemistry at TUL, will serve as vice-president of the Association of Chemistry and the Environment (ACE).


The election for the post of ACE vice-president was held at the association's general assembly, during the 22nd European Meeting on Environmental Chemistry conference, held in Ljubljana, Slovenia. Prof. Małgorzata Szynkowska-Jóźwik will be the only representative of Poland in the international group of scientists gathered in the organisation's executive board.

The Association's priority is to create a broad forum for the discussion of important topics related to the latest developments in environmental chemistry research. This interdisciplinary field related to so-called 'green chemistry' is extremely important from the point of view of environmental welfare concerns. The association also promotes education geared towards environmental protection

- explains the new vice-president of ACE.

The Association of Chemistry and the Environment is a non-profit scientific association founded in October 2000, by a group of European scientists.