In this year contest 20-person team from TUL outstripped the groups from Egypt, Denmark, Germany and the Netherlands, finally taking second place. The competition was won by the team from the Toronto University in Canada.
In the International Small Wind Turbine Contest the students from TUL, Lodz presented a domestic four-bladed wind turbine with horizontal axis of rotation in two different versions due to the geometry of the blades. A turbine with the latest slanted blade geometry proved to be the most efficient. The prototype produced over 1 KWh of electricity in 13 m/s wind. This is the best result of all teams participating in the event and the team’s record in its seven-year period of activity.
This year competition was accompanied by the TORQUE conference, which brings together the pioneers in wind energy from all over the world. The members of GUST took the opportunity to share the results of their work, which was met with enthusiasm by the contest participants.
After their success in Holland the team is not slowing down but they are working on further improvements to the wind turbine. They are planning another edition of the International Small Wind Turbine Contest in 2023 and also their participation in prestigious scientific conferences thematically related to wind energy.
GUST (Generative Urban Small Turbine) is a student project which was launched in October 2015 and is carried out by the members of the Student Research Group of Power Engineering at the Institute of Turbomachinery, the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, TUL. GUST brings together students from different departments (Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Electrical, Electronic, Computer and Control Engineering, Faculty of Technical Physics, Information Technology and Applied Mathematics, Faculty of Chemistry, Faculty of Process and Environmental Engineering and International Faculty of Engineering) who work together on wind energy but also want to develop their engineering skills and acquire more practical experience.