Funding awarded is to be used to improve the quality of education and conduct research. The project is to support international cooperation of doctoral schools.
Under the STER programme, Lodz University of Technology will implement the project "Curriculum for advanced doctoral education & training - CADET Academy of Lodz Univeristy of Technology". It provides scholarships for the best doctoral students working internationally. It is supposed to develop international mobility of doctoral students and organize lectures given by world-class guest specialists in various fields of science.
As part of the project, the University plans to develop promotional and informational materials on education at the Interdisciplinary Doctoral School of Lodz University of Technology and on research conducted by teams of young, outstanding scientists. The project will last 3 years, until the end of 2023.
Currently, the Interdisciplinary Doctoral School at Lodz University of Technology has 203 doctoral students. In this group there are 26 foreigners from 14 European countries (Ukraine, Belarus, Italy, Russia, Serbia, Moldova) and from other parts of the world (Egypt, India, Mexico, Ethiopia, Nigeria, Pakistan, China, and Iran).