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The new year is off to a good start for the university. Two valuable historic buildings belonging to Lodz University of Technology have received over 17 million PLN for modernization. These are the villa of Reinhold Richter located at 6/8 Skorupki Street and the Scheilbler Family Palace Complex at 266/268 Piotrkowska Street.


Lodz University of Technology has received financial support from the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management, which will allow for improving the energy efficiency of these two historic sites, which are important cultural heritage assets of Lodz.

Under the first project, numbered FENX.01.01-IW.01-0038/24 titled “Improvement of Energy Efficiency of the Historic R. Richter Villa located at 6/8 Ks. Ignacego Skorupki Street in Lodz,” 4.6 million PLN has been allocated for the modernization of the former rectorate of PŁ. The funds will be used to prepare technical and tender documentation, conduct energy audits, and perform expert evaluations. Subsequently, the building will be insulated, with plans for modernizing heating, ventilation, and lighting systems, as well as installing an elevator for people with disabilities.

Project Value (Total Project Cost): 6,661,495.83 PLN

Amount from European Funds: 4,645,364.73 PLN

Zespół Pałacowy Rodziny Scheilblerów, ul. Piotrkowska 266/268

The Scheilbler Family Palace Complex at 266/268 Piotrkowska Street is the second project: numbered FENX.01.01-IW.01-0037/24 titled “Improvement of Energy Efficiency of the Historic Scheilbler Family Palace Complex located at 266/268 Piotrkowska Street in Lodz,” which has also received EU funding.

For the Scheilbler Family Palace Complex, where a Cultural and Educational Center of Lodz University of Technology is planned to be established, the university has received nearly 12.8 million PLN. Currently, the palace buildings require urgent conservation and thermal modernization work. Planned activities also include maintenance of the palace gardens and adapting infrastructure for people with disabilities as well as training to raise ecological awareness within the academic community.

Project Value (Total Project Cost): 15,039,420.72 PLN

Amount from European Funds: 12,783,507.62 PLN

The funds come from the European Funds for Climate and Environment Infrastructure program 2021-2027 under competitive recruitment number FENX.01.01-IW.01-001/24 for project type: Improvement of Energy Efficiency in Historic Public Utility Buildings (including RES installation), Priority FENX.01 Support for Energy and Environment Sectors from the Cohesion Fund, Action FENX.01.01 Energy Efficiency.

#EuropeanFunds #EUFunds

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