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Lodz University of Technology has traditionally played in the Orchestra conducted by Jurek Owsiak. During the 30th finale, Lodz University of Technology WOŚP Staff collected a record amount of PLN 310 thousand. It is PLN 10 thousand more than last year. The youngest volunteer, Wojtuś, registered at the TUL Staff was just a few months old - he was born in July 2021.

Wojtuś - - the youngest volunteer at Lodz University of Technology

This year, Lodz University of Technology staff involved 310 people. Our volunteers - 180 people, starting from school children, through students to the Rectors were with jars in various places in Łódź. In total, they managed to collect nearly PLN 185 000. Stationary cans placed in 50 locations collected 38 853 PLN.

Auctions held on Allegro brought in PLN 15,885, of which the highest amount was achieved by cooking with the rector of the University of Łódź, Professor Krzysztof Jóźwik - PLN 6100. The illumination on the TME - Transfer Multisort Elektronik office building was auctioned for PLN 2,550, and a T-shirt of Martyna Grajber, a Polish volleyball player, was sold for PLN 1,159. As in previous years, students from the Public Secondary School in Łódź were involved in the collection. During the school auctions, they collected 20,000 PLN. As much as 50,838 PLN found its way to the e-Karbonka of Lodz University of Łódź.

We are very happy with such a high amount collected during this year's collection. A good heart of people and their generosity cannot be disturbed even by a pandemic. We all care about the eyesight of our children," said Lodz University of Lodz Rector Professor Krzysztof Jóźwik, summing up this year's campaign.

The 30th Finale of the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity was held under the motto: "Open your eyes. To ensure the highest standards of diagnostics and treatment of sight in children".