Madam, despite the holiday period, are the preparations for the event in full swing?
Yes, the scope of this event in terms of sports and accompanying events, as well as the number of participants, partners and stakeholders, requires from us multi-directional and comprehensive activities. We are currently preparing for the EUSA Convention scheduled for September 24-27, during which the official technical delegation of the EUSA representatives and national technical delegates of individual sports will finally approve the venues. Currently, staff are also recruited for the Sports Division of Lodz University of Technology. Our human resources will increase, depending on the needs and escalation of activities.
The idea behind the EUG in Łódź is to promote sport that is accessible to everyone, regardless of social status, gender or education. How many guests do the organizers expect and where will the athletes come from? Supposedly, you are expecting representatives of 40 countries?
We assume that Łódź will host nearly 6,000 people during the Olympics, including 4.5 thous. students, 800 volunteers, over 300 referees and around 100 EUSA delegates and VIP guests. In addition to representatives of European universities, there may be student-athletes from Georgia, Azerbaijan, Israel, Turkey and Armenia, as these countries are also members of the EUSA. Since these are the European University Games, it cannot be ruled out that athletes of other nationalities will also take part in the competition. This is the direct effect of the growing internationalization of European universities, also in the field of sport.
Do you already know in which disciplines the competition will take place and in which ones teams representing Lodz University of Technology will participate?
After analysing all the aspects, we have decided that the European University Games will be held in the following disciplines: badminton, basketball, basketball 3x3, soccer, futsal, handball, table tennis and para tennis, tennis, volleyball, beach volleyball, beach handball, water polo, swimming, sport climbing, chess. As the hosts, we want not only to put TUL representatives to the competition, but also to show our strengths. We will definitely put the water polo team in for the competition, who are the current European University Champions in this discipline. Decisions on other sports will be made after discussions with coaches, who will assess the chances of our athletes to participate in the event.
What disciplines will be played at the sports facilities of Lodz University of Technology?
At our facilities, namely in the Academic Sports and Educational Centre "Sports Bay", competitions in water polo, swimming, as well as futsal, basketball and sports climbing will be held.
During the Games, concerts, picnics and sports tournaments for participants and their families are planned. Who will perform at the concerts? What events are planned at the TUL campus?
We already know that the area of the TUL campus will be a chillout zone for people with accreditation, while many interesting outdoor places in the city, where competitions are planned, will be an open zone for all interested parties. Various activities are planned for each day of the Games, not only of a sports nature. Now we are before finalizing contracts with selected entities, so I cannot give details yet. Undoubtedly, the time of the Games will be an opportunity to meet famous athletes who will play the role of EUG 22 Ambassadors.
Probably, there will be our students among the invited famous athletes - the current Olympic champion from Tokyo - Kajetan Duszyński or our graduate "Professor" Adam Kszczot?
I wholeheartedly congratulate Kajetan and the entire team on the Olympic gold medal. Certainly, his success will be recorded in the history of our university and we cannot imagine that our Master would not become an EEU 22 Ambassador. Yet, it is regrettable that athletics is not on the list of sports of the European University Games. At the moment, I confirm that Adam Kszczot has agreed to help us promote this event, as well as several other athletes and teams from our region. Their official presentation will take place in September, at a press conference.
The European University Games are a gigantic event on the scale of Academic Łódź. About 800 volunteers will help in organizing the Games. When is the recruitment of volunteers planned?
Recruitment for volunteers starts on November 1. Detailed information will be available on the website, and on the website of the Sport Centre and Academic Sport Association at TUL. All guests from Europe and Poland will be provided with accommodation and meals. Training courses, various integration events and a number of attractions are planned for this group of participants. Work on the organization of this event will be a unique opportunity to gain experience and the so-called "soft skills". Volunteers will work with all target groups in various indoor and outdoor facilities. It will also be an opportunity to make friends, practise foreign language skills and experience some cultural exchange.
During distance learning, the Sports Centre of TUL promoted the EUG 22 among students. We received feedback from many of them that they are interested in helping with this event. Therefore, before the recruitment starts, I will send our students additional information on volunteering. I want as many of our students as possible to have the opportunity to be actively involved in the work for the Games and our university. Thus, it could contribute to the success of this great multisport event.
Interviewed by Małgorzata Trocha