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A programme for the most talented students of Lodz University of Technology has been launched. Starting from 9 February, first-cycle students will be able to apply for the competition under the E²TOP - Excellence in Engineering Talents in Research with Opportunities Programmeopens in new window.

E²TOP is an offer for talented students who want to carry out their own research projects in an international environment. The aim of the programme is to stimulate and support the scientific development of first-cycle students of Lodz University of Technology through the implementation of an individual educational path based on conducting research work.

For all ambitious students we open state-of-the-art research laboratories within the walls of our university, where they will be able to study under the supervision of excellent scientists. Cultivating the academic tradition of building student - master relations, together we will create a unique path that leads to scientific development or a faster professional career - says Professor Andrzej Romanowski, Vice-Rector for Education.

Each programme participant will receive a personal tutor - a mentor who will help to set ambitious research goals and design a path to achieve them. Persons qualified for E²TOP will be able to take advantage of an individual study path, adjusted to the student's scientific interests. Participants will be exempted from some of the subjects in their studies in order to gain additional competences by participating in research and scientific projects. Throughout the programme a tutor will support the student in their work and facilitate the process of broadening their knowledge.

Students qualified for the programme will be able to count on the following forms of financial support from Lodz University of Technology:

  • scientific scholarship - funding for a period of 10 months;

  • a cash prize for taking the first place in the competition for the best research project;

  • voucher to cover the costs of publication of the text submitted for print;

  • a training/internship voucher to reimburse costs of an internship at a selected research centre;

  • travel voucher for reimbursement of costs of participation in a national or foreign conference;

  • a research grant for work carried out under the programme.

During their studies, students will be able to benefit from trips to the best research centres in Europe and in the world, take up permanent cooperation with scientists from other countries, as well as conduct research in foreign laboratories. Students benefiting from the programme will also receive an additional scientific scholarship.

Scientific cooperation with foreign countries at such an early stage of education opens up great opportunities for our best students - says Vice-Rector for Science, Professor Łukasz Albrecht. - Apart from obvious benefits connected with getting to know the latest trends in the development of science and good practices in conducting research works, beneficiaries of the E²TOP programme will get a unique chance to grow up in an international environment. This should result in the acquisition of important competencies giving a greater awareness and understanding of the processes carried out in an international environment and the rules that govern them. In this way, participants of the programme will be very well prepared for the role of future leaders who naturally identify and take up important challenges, actively influencing the functioning of the world around us.

Recruitment for the programme will run until 16 February 2022. Detailed information about the research topics to choose from, the research supervisors and the programme recruitment rules can be found on the websiteopens in new window.