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In April, Lodz University of Technology will launch a new series of meetings "Zawód Naukowiec" (Scientist as the Profession”) aimed at the local community: young people over 13 years old and adults. It will be a unique opportunity to meet interesting scientists and visit a beautiful green campus of the university.

During the 'Scientist as the Profession' series of meetings it will be possible to learn how new scientific discoveries and inventions shape and change the reality around us.

Scientific research makes our lives easier, enables us to discover new, previously inaccessible places or things, contributing to the development of our entire civilisation.

The first meeting will take place on 23 April (Saturday) at 11:00 a.m. Two lectures are planned. Professor Piotr Ulański from the Institute of Applied Radiation Chemistry at the Faculty of Chemistry of TUL will give a lecture: How to cure "incurable" diseases - or how chemists and nanotechnologists co-create modern medicine. Ms Aleksandra Bednarek, a student of biomedical engineering at the Faculty of Electrical, Electronic, Computer and Control Engineering, who was the first Polish woman to achieve the triple crown in open water swimming, will give a lecture entitled: From a long-distance runner to a scientist. After the speeches, we invite you to take a guided tour of the TUL campus.

During the meetings, scientists from the Lodz University of Technology will talk about their work in an accessible way that everyone can understand. We will learn how, thanks to commitment and perseverance, one follows a path towards new discoveries that change our world and often even us - says Katarzyna Szymańska-Dębowska, PhD, professor at the Institute of Mathematics in the Faculty of Technical Physics, Information Technology and Applied Mathematics of Lodz University of Technology, co-organiser of the cycle.

All scientists share a common passion and curiosity for learning about and researching the world. They would like to infect others with their passion. - We invite everyone for an unforgettable expedition into the world of science! - adds Professor Szymańska-Dębowska. - We encourage everyone to register on the website of the Institute of Mathematics in the tab: Registration. This will allow us to inform you about events popularising science, competitions and other meetings organised by the Institute of Mathematics at TUL.

Meetings at the TUL Institute of Mathematics are planned in a hybrid version: stationary in the Institute of Mathematics of TUL (Building B9, Hall F10) and remotely - a link to the event is at the Institute's website.

Due to the order of the Prime Minister, restrictions have been introduced regarding the admission of people to university premises, including Lodz University of Technology. We kindly ask you to write an e-mail to Dr Anna Olek informing that you wish to participate in this event stationary - in the e-mail you should give only your first and last name. Willingness to participate should be reported by Friday, 22 April until 10:00.

Entrance to the premises of Lodz University of Technology: a person from the security standing at the entrance gate to campus B of TUL (preferably from Wróblewskiego Street) should be informed you that you have come for the event “Scientist as the Profession”. You will be asked to give your name and surname and to show your ID card. If your name is on the list prepared by us, you will enter the premises.