Classes were held both in the halls of the university and in the newly built TROKUT incubator building, under the guidance of lecturers from Lodz University of Technology, University of Aveiro, University of Tartu and Polytechnic of Šibenik.
The summer school classes among other things discussed the need to test applications, especially educational applications, using technologies such as virtual and augmented reality. Then, for three days, the participants tested the applications developed during the project by all partners. This is an extremely important element, because on the basis of prepared reports, the applications will be improved so that they meet the expectations of users,
informs the lecturer of the summer school, Dr Eng. Grzegorz Zwoliński, from the Institute of Mechatronics and Information Systems at TUL.
After the classes, all participants took part in team-building activities, including sightseeing of the most interesting places in Sibenik and a trip to Krka National Park. It was important for the organizers to establish mutual contacts, which may result in future joint projects.