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The Perspektywy Educational Foundation has published (29.06) the results of this year's rankings. Lodz University of Technology was ranked ninth in the Ranking of Academic Institutions. This is one place higher than last year.


The first place in the Ranking went to Jagiellonian University with 100 points in the ranking index, ex aequo with Warsaw University (99.6 points). The third position went to Warsaw University of Technology (88.0). Fourth place ex aequo went to Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan (83.6) and AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow (83.1). The following places were occupied by: Gdansk University of Technology (80.9), Warsaw Medical University (75.2). In eighth position is Wroclaw University of Technology (74.2). In ninth place is the Medical University of Gdansk (73.5) and ex aequo Lodz University of Technology (73.0).

In the TOP 10, we are a university, recognized, among other things, for the results of scientific evaluation and publication activity. Our strengths also lie in the patents we have obtained, including those held abroad, which demonstrates the innovation of our research. We have a good position in the criterion evaluating student mobility. The strength of the internationalization of Lodz University of Technology is also the projects we are involved in under Erasmus.

The results of the ranking confirm that Lodz University of Technology is a modern university. The new ranking criterion takes into account participation in a European university. TUL, operating as part of the ECIU - one of the oldest networks of innovative universities - is at the forefront of changes in the philosophy of education, which involves learning rather than teaching, and promotes the acquisition of micro-qualifications that increase the "field of action" in the labor market. Our strength also lies in our partners, including the best foreign universities and powerful global corporations with whom we are developing cooperation. We look to the future with optimism.

- commented on the result of the ranking, Prof. Krzysztof Jóźwik, Rector of TUL.

In the Ranking of Technical Universitiesopens in new window Lodz University of Technology, as in the previous year, was ranked fifth. In first place is the Warsaw University of Technology (88.0), in second place is the Stanislaw Staszic Academy of Mining and Metallurgy in Krakow (83.1), and in third place is the Gdansk University of Technology (80.9). Fourth place went to Wroclaw University of Technology (74.2). Universities with scores differing by no more than 0.5 percent were ranked ex aequo. The ranking of Academic Universities takes into account 30 indicators grouped into seven criteria: Prestige, Graduates in the labor market, Scientific potential, Innovation, Scientific Efficiency, Educational Conditions and Internationalization. Its methodology is developed by a Chapter chaired by Prof. Michal Kleiber, former president of the Polish Academy of Sciences.

prof. Krzysztof Jóźwik odbiera z rąk Waldemara Siwińskiego z Perspektyw, fot. arch. PŁ
prof. Krzysztof Jóźwik, rektor PŁ, odbiera dyplom podczas uroczystej Gali, fot. arch. PŁ