Authored on 09/05/2023 - 13:32
Kategorie aktualności

112 first-year students began their education at the Public Secondary School of Lodz University of Technology. In the assembly hall named after Prof. Andrzej Sołtan (4.09), the first-year students took the solemn oath in the presence of the university authorities: the Rector of Lodz University of Technology, Prof. Krzysztof Jóźwik, and the Vice-Rectors: Prof. Łukasz Albrecht and Prof. Andrzej Romanowski.

Rektor PŁ, prof. Krzysztof Jóżwik podczas inauguracji PLO PŁ, fot. Jacek Szabela
Rector of TUL, Prof. Krzysztof Jóźwik during the inauguration of Secondary School, photo: Jacek Szabela

Prof. Krzysztof Jóźwik, Rector of TUL, welcomed students and their parents to the walls of the university, saying:

You are starting a very important stage in your education today, a kind of investment in yourself. You have the best teachers in the region at your disposal, you have chosen the best secondary school, and I congratulate you on that, but if you do not want to take advantage of that, no one will "drill a hole in your head and pour knowledge". Dear Parents, I congratulate you on your wonderful children and I ask you to remember that for them this is a time of building their identity, help them but by being tutors but not controllers. I wish everyone a healthy and good school year, for the new students to find their place quickly, for those in the older grades to continue on a great path, and for the high school graduates to have super results and success in their future journey, and for the teaching staff to be satisfied.

The new students will start in four profile classes:

  • mathematics-physics,

  • mathematics-physics-computer science,

  • mathematics-chemistry with advanced English,

  • mathematics-chemistry-biology.

Pani Izabella Kapłon, dyrektor PLO PŁ, fot. Jacek Szabela
Izabella Kapłon, principal of the Public Secondary School at TUL, photo: Jacek Szabela

Izabella Kapłon principal of the TUL Public Secondary School said to the students:

Our school offers many opportunities, but it is up to you, dear students, to take advantage of them. The school is only as elite as you are. I know you're wondering what new things await you at the school you've chosen whether you'll find your place in a new community. The beginning of the school year is, above all, a great opportunity and a challenge. It is the best time to take on new tasks, pursue your dreams, passions and interests and make new school friends that I hope will last for years to come.

TUL Public Secondary School is the best secondary school in the Lodz Voivodeship in the Ranking of General Secondary Schools 2023 by the Perspektywy Educational Foundation and is ranked 14th among the best secondary schools in Poland. The TUL Secondary School is ranked 13th in the Olympic Schools Ranking and 16th in the Matura Ranking.
