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Researchers from the Institute of Turbomachinery of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering together with the X-ray Crystallography and Crystallochemistry Team of the Faculty of Chemistry as well as the Pintech company are working on the solution.

The innovative solution for harvesting microalgae is a project by Scottish biotech start-up uFraction8. It was submitted for implementation together with TUL and topped the ranking list of the NCBR 'Fast Track' competition, with a score of 16/16. The designed filter modules will allow for an efficient and much cheaper way of obtaining microalgae from seawater.

The start-up has created a module that effectively filters small volumes of water, using an advanced technology called microfluidics so as to more cheaply and easily separate micro-organisms essential to the production of food, chemicals and medicines. The solution was awarded the prestigious Nature Spinoff 'one to watch' award.

An interdisciplinary team of scientists from Lodz University of Technology will "scale up the system" developed by the start-up. This means that a device consisting of dozens of such modules, eventually even a hundred, will be designed. Thanks to this, the cost of harvesting microalgae will be much lower and we will all be able to benefit from natural products created on their basis.

In order to combine such a number of filter modules we must first have a good understanding of how each module works. We will carry out a comprehensive study of a single module and obtain its characteristics and the conditions under which filtration is most effective. With this knowledge it will be possible to carry out further research and design work to shape the flow channels accordingly. The ideal channel shape is one in which each filter operates within its optimum range. It is a bit like tuning instruments for a 100-person orchestra."

- explains dr inż. Grzegorz Liśkiewicz from the Institute of Turbomachinery in charge the project on the part of TUL.

Dr hab. Krzysztof Olczak from the Institute of Turbomachinery will conduct the numerical research, and the experimental work will be supervised by dr hab. Aleksander Olczyk also from the Institute of Turbomachinery. Measurement of the concentration level of microparticles in suspension will be possible through collaboration with the X-ray Crystallography and Crystallochemistry Team of the Faculty of Chemistry at TUL.

The biotechnological start-up uFraction8 was founded by dr Monika Tomecka and dr Brian Miller. Pintech will handle the implementation and commercialisation of the product.