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Three international certificates: Chemistry Bachelor, Chemistry Euromaster and Chemical Technology Euromaster have been awarded to two fields of study conducted at the Faculty of Chemistry: chemistry (first and second cycle) and chemical technology (second cycle). This is the result of positive accreditation of both fields of study by the European Chemistry Thematic Network (ECTN), which was granted for a maximum period of six years, until 2028.


 Obtaining ECTN accreditation is tantamount to recognition of the highest European standards in the quality of education of the faculties taught at the Faculty of Chemistry at TUL. It is also a confirmation that our graduates have received an education equivalent to that provided by the best European universities, explains Prof. Małgorzata Szynkowska-Jóźwik, Dean of the Faculty.

The awarding body for the international accreditation certificate, the European Chemistry Thematic Network Association (ECTN), is a non-profit association registered in Belgium. The network currently has more than 120 members. These include universities, national chemical societies and chemical companies from 30 different countries, as well as associate members of the network from all over the world.

The network is funded by the European Commission under the Erasmus programme. Its experts carry out a range of projects including the development of frameworks for bachelor, master and doctoral qualifications in the discipline of chemistry and the carrying out of the accreditation procedures Chemistry Eurobachelor®, Chemistry Euromaster®, Chemical Technology Euromaster®, Chemistry Doctorate Eurolabel®.

The accreditation processes at the Technical University of Łódź were carried out thanks to co-financing from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education as part of the non-competitive project Accreditation abroad from the Operational Programme Knowledge Education Development, co-financed by the European Social Fund.