Members of the Steering Committee from ICZMP and TUL. In the photo from left: Dr. hab. Dariusz Trzmielak, (UL), Dr. hab. n. med. Iwona Maroszyńska, (ICZMP), Prof. Sławomir Wiak, Dr. hab. inż. Łukasz Szymański, (TUL)
As part of the collaboration, a publicly accessible digital database of unique medical data on histopathology was created. Over a million medical data were made available for the purposes of the project. This is a very large collection, including data from metabolomic and proteomic studies obtained using special techniques (LC-MS/MS and GC-MS/MS).
The data collected as part of the project resulted from the analysis of urine and blood samples contributed to jointly conducted research by research units in the country. They have been published on a specially created website platform.
Thanks to this project, it became possible to provide data for biometric analyses, as well as for teaching, self-education of doctors, and statistical work. Additionally, the database serves as a unique source of popular science information for the public. The prepared solution will contribute to the development of oncological diagnostics through further research on specific diseases.
The conference at TUL was attended by the project managers: Prof. Slawomir Wiak - director of the Institute of Mechatronics and Information Systems and his deputy Prof. Lukasz Szymanski - project manager, and Prof. Iwona Maroszyńska - director of ICZMP and her deputy Prof. Dariusz Trzmielak.
For the implementation of the MDB project - Medical Data Bank, the performers received almost PLN 12 million from the European Union funds from the European Regional Development Fund.