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Starting in September, Aleksandra Grzelakowska, PhD, of the Faculty of Chemistry at TUL, will begin research on developing new cancer treatment strategies at the Medical College of Wisconsin (USA) thanks to a NAWA Bekker 2022 scholarship.


For Dr. Grzelakowska from the Institute of Polymer and Dye Technology at TUL, this will be a continuation of an earlier stay in 2019 with the team of Assoc. Prof. Jacek Zielonka at the Medical College of Wisconsin. Now on internship, she will carry out the project "Specific modulation and detection of mitochondrial oxidants in cancer cells. She will spend two years in the US.

What goals will the young scientist set for herself during her internship?

During my stay in the US, I will have a chance to deepen my knowledge of redox biology and learn new research methods that I will use in my future scientific work. I am confident that completing the internship will allow me to successfully apply for national and international research grants when I return to Lodz University of Technology.

Successful implementation of the project will also allow me to strengthen current collaborations and establish new contacts with researchers at the Medical College of Wisconsin and other scientific entities and improve my visibility as a scientist at the national and international level. I am confident that the internship will allow for an ongoing exchange of ideas and insights with world-class scientists and will result in many joint research initiatives with an internationally renowned team

- explains the Bekker scholarship winner.

Dr. Grzelakowska already has a significant scientific output. She is the author and co-author of 23 publications and 12 patents. She led a grant funded by the National Science Centre under the MINIATURA 4 competition and worked on a project under the SONATA BIS 6 competition.

The Mieczyslaw Bekker Program is implemented by the National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA) and allows young scientists to complete a research internship at a renowned center abroad. This edition of NAWA Bekker will benefit 77 scholarship recipients.