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This year, on February 19, we celebrate Polish Science Day for the second time. How has research developed at Lodz University of Technology in the time that has passed since the new holiday was enacted? We would like to present a small part of 365 days of science at Lodz University of Technology.

The University, aiming to score high marks in the evaluation of scientific disciplines, undertakes important initiatives motivating to increase the quality of research. Prof. Krzysztof Jóźwik, the Rector, says: " The researchers benefit from an internal incentive system rewarding publications in high-scoring journals and from a special path of financing the costs of open access publications. Next year, we are preparing support for interdisciplinary cooperation as part of internal grants, as well as a series of seminars on the latest trends in science, to which we will invite scientists from all over the world.

5G and artificial intelligence

The activities of Lodz University of Technology related to 5G technology reverberated in the scientific and business circles. These included the launch of a 5G research network on the university campus and the creation of the Centre of 5G Competence at TUL. While developing research and development works related to artificial intelligence, the university concluded an agreement with Artificial Intelligence Economic Development Corporation in the United States, which is also related to the plans to establish an interdepartmental artificial intelligence center at Lodz University of Technology.

 Among the world's most eminent scientists

It is worth mentioning the American database covering 2% of the most outstanding scientists in the world, created, among others, by researchers from Stanford University. The group includes almost 30 professors from Lodz University of Technology. Speaking about the impact of publications on the development of world science, it is worth noting that Professor Tomasz Kapitaniak, the highest ranked scientist from TUL, presented (together with dr Patrycja Jaros) in the Nature Communications journal a new approach to the issue of synchronization of power grids, which allows to minimize the chance of a blackout, i.e. a serious failure causing a longer interruption of energy supply. Also, the Nature Materials journal highlighted the research of prof. Wojciech Pisula and dr inż. Tomasz Marszałek from the Department of Molecular Physics, who presented the next step in the development of organic electronics. The researchers conducted experiments related to the theoretical model predicting the quality of thin semiconductor layers and confirmed that the size and shape of semiconductor crystals determine their later applications, e.g. in thin-film displays or photovoltaic cells.
Lodz University of Technology is a member of the European Centre of Excellence in exascale computing TREX. The combination of advanced quantum methods with exascale will open the way to perform simulations with higher, currently unachievable accuracy, making it possible to predict the properties of molecules and materials at the quantum level and leading to the design of new materials with the desired properties.

IT and medicine

Our university has made a significant contribution to the development of interdisciplinary projects in which the role of IT specialists is crucial. Particular attention is paid here to cooperation with medics. Last year, together with doctors from the Polish Mother's Memorial Hospital Research Institute, we started creating a virtual platform for medical data and modern diagnostics. Health service is also interested in the project consisting in the development of non-toxic antibacterial coatings. For people with a stoma and the doctors taking care of them, a teleinformatic system called "Stoma Alert" is being created to support the process of diagnosing, treatment and rehabilitation of patients. Lodz University of Technology is also a leader of the project involving urological diagnostics in children.  A globally innovative system of non-invasive monitoring and diagnosis of functional disorders of the lower urinary tract will be created.

For the environment

Researchers from the Faculty of Faculty of Process and Environmental Engineering participate in an international project related to the shipbuilding industry. Research funded by Horizon 2020 concerns developing innovative and automated technologies for manufacturing small and medium-sized vessels made of special material. The task of Lodz University of Technology in this project is to determine the environmental effects.  
Pro-ecological activities, important for the inhabitants of the Lodz agglomeration, are connected with research concerning the analysis of the impact of the most dangerous pollutants emitted to the atmosphere.  
This year, we started a project related to the development of a prototype device for safe processing of aerosol containers. Scientists from the Institute of Turbomachinery, Institute of Materials Science and Engineering and from the Institute of General and Ecological Chemistry are working on it. Another type of waste is being dealt with by researchers from the Faculty of Process and Environmental Engineering at TUL in cooperation with Łukasiewicz Research Network - Leather Industry Institute in Łódź. They have developed a technology for screening and granulation of leather shavings, which are waste from the leather and tanning industry. The proposed method is easy to implement, economically beneficial and environmentally friendly.  

Young leaders

The subject matter of scientific works proposed by young scientists, winners of the Leader programme, such as the first in Poland disposable tool for rehabilitation of hands and a system allowing for preparation of personalized rehabilitation, or the concept of a rotor for a small passenger flying vehicle, draws attention.