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Admissions for second-cycle studies at Lodz University of Technology starts at the beginning of February. Students with a BSc or BA degree may choose between 26 majors taught in Polish and 6 in English. This year, new majors are being offered by the University, two of them (Human-Computer Interaction and Nanotechnology) taught in English, the third novelty being Sustainable Bioeconomy.
Admissions will last until February 19th. Interviews with candidates have been planned for February 22nd.

The results of admissions will be announced on February 25th.

The list of second-cycle majors is available on the admissions website.

Some information on the new majors:

Lodz University of Technology is the first of Polish universities to be introducing a second-cycle MSc Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) major. The studies cover a multidisciplinary field of science that focuses on examining the impact of new technologies, especially IT technologies, on the lives and work of human beings. The authors of the educational programme emphasize that human-computer interaction is a field which combines technical and humanistic subjects. It goes beyond the narrow field of IT, so candidates do not need to have a first-cycle university degree in IT.
The major is going to be taught at the Faculty of Electrical, Electronic, Computer and Control Engineering in cooperation with the International Faculty of Engineering.

Sustainable bioeconomy is an interdisciplinary and unique major which involves a complex approach to highly topical issues related to the modern closed loop economy. The authors of the programme have paid attention to the fact that implementing a bioeconomy strategy requires a change of thinking which allows one to depart from the concept of traditional economy and undertake innovative actions at each stage of the product life cycle. i.e. from the moment a raw material is obtained, through product design, production, distribution, consumption and, finally, recycling. Are we ready to do this? Yes, but we do need profound knowledge and practical training for the purpose.
The major will be taught at the Faculty of Biotechnology and Food Sciences in cooperation with the Faculty of Management and Production Engineering.

Nanotechnology is one of the fastest developing fields of science. Second-cycle studies will be taught in English at the Faculty of Chemistry for the first time. The programme covers modern development trends and the most important achievements in the fields of nanoscience and nanotechnology, as well as chemistry, biochemistry and materials engineering. Students may opt for a double-diploma programme taught in partnership with the University of Twente (UT) in Enschede, in the Netherlands. They will spend one semester at Lodz University of Technology and the two following semesters at UT, participating in classes and preparing their thesis.

#TUL – the 2nd degree of initiation

Candidates may be assisted in the decision-making process via the new information campaign called #TUL – the second degree of initiation. It is a cycle of live broadcasts on the FB page of Lodz University of Technology. All of them start at 11 o’clock.
The following topics will be discussed:
- the rules of admissions for second-cycle studies – Monday, February 1st
- new majors, the possibilities of studying abroad and gaining double diplomas – Wednesday, February 3rd
– career prospects after second-cycle studies at Lodz University of Technology – Monday, February 8th